Cast & Crew

Directed by Darin J. Sallam


Karam Taher , Ashraf Barhom, Ali Suliman


Category Feature Film

Genres Drama, Coming of Age, Action

Running time 92 min.

Language English, Arabic

Nationality Jordan , Sweden , Saudi Arabia

Scriptwriter Darin J. Sallam

Cinematographer Rachel Aoun

Produced by TaleBox Co-produced by Laika Film & Television In co-production with Chimney

Local Release 2022 - Oct 21

Production status Completed

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Farha is a 14 year old girl who lives in a small village in Palestine, 1948. Girls her age are traditionally married off or spoken for yet Farha wants to continue her education despite traditions and the restrictions on schooling in her village for boys only. Inseparable from her best friend Farida, who lives in the city but who spends weekends in the village, Farha dreams of joining her at a school in the city. Life in the village is threatened and aggressively changed by the looming danger. Just when Farha’s father is finally convinced and Farha’s dream is at last coming true, the danger comes closer to their village.As violence escalates, Farha is brutally separated from Farida. Terrorized for his daughter’s safety and fearing for her life, Farha’s father locks her up in a concealed, small food storage space by the house, promising to return. But he never does. Over the course of the next few days, Farha undergoes a life-changing experience while buried in the tight dark space, her only connection to the outside world is a small hole in the wall and a few cracks in the wooden door. Farha witnesses a lot of events, outside and inside the room, setting off her journey of transformation and forcing her to grow up and leave her childhood behind