Therapy for a Vampire

Therapy for a Vampire

Cast & Crew

Directed by David Ruehm


Tobias Moretti, Jeanette Hain, Cornelia Ivancan, Dominic Oley


Category Feature Film

Genres Comedy, Horror, Black Comedy, Vampire

Running time 87 min.

Language German

Nationality Austria, Switzerland

Scriptwriter David Rühm

Cinematographer Martin Gschlacht

Produced by Novotny & NovotnyFilmproduktionHugofilm Productions

Local Release 2014 Dec 19

Production status Completed

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Vienna, early 1930s. One fine evening, Sigmund Freud has a new patient on his couch – a mysterious count who can no longer bear the “eternally long” relationship with his wife. The vain countess incessantly complains about not being able to look at herself in a mirror, the count tells the professor. Unaware of the fact that the count and his wife are vampires, Freud introduces his mysterious patient to a young painter, Viktor, who paints portraits that express more than a mirror ever could. While visiting the painter, the count takes an instant shine to Viktor’s girlfriend Lucy – more so than Viktor and the countess would like.