The Beast in the Jungle

The Beast in the Jungle

Cast & Crew

Directed by Clara Van Gool


Dane Jeremy Hurst, Sarah Reynolds, Claire Johnston


Category Feature Film

Genres Romance, Drama, Historical Drama, Action, Literary Adaptation

Running time 87 min.

Language English

Nationality Netherlands

Scriptwriters Henry James, Glyn Maxwell, Clara van Gool

Cinematographer Richard Van Oosterhout

Produced by KeyFilmAmour Fou Luxembourg

Local Release 2019 Mar 14

Production status Completed

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THE BEAST IN THE JUNGLE is a film adaptation of Henry James’ 19th century novella of the same name. Set in a remote English country mansion and stretching from the Jamesian era to a globalised present-day setting, the film uses dance to recount the epic and unconventional love story of John Marcher (Dane Jeremy Hurst) and May Bartram (Sarah Reynolds). During a chance encounter ten years after first meeting, May reminds John that he once revealed to her a deep and menacing conviction that his life would be defined by a life-changing experience – one that was waiting for him “like a Beast in the Jungle.” Intrigued by his continued belief in this foreboding secret, May decides to stay by John’s side and soon develops feelings of genuine love for him. John is not able to reciprocate her devotion, preferring instead to resume his shallow life as a travelling businessman. Only when it’s too late, does John realize that the beast had already sprung in the jungle of his life.