

Cast & Crew

Directed by Karoline Herfurth


Karoline Herfurth, Hannah Herzsprung, Frederick Lau


Category Feature Film

Genres Comedy, Action, Female Identity

Running time 107 min.

Language German

Nationality Germany

Scriptwriter Monika Fäßler

Cinematographer Daniel Gottschalk

Produced by Hellinger / Doll Filmproduktion GmbH in co-production with Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH

Local Release 2019

Production status Completed

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It's double trouble when fate and an ill-executed diamond robbery throw Mel and Franny together in a race and chase against time.Mel, a professional criminal and single mum looking to pull off her greatest coup, and her nerdy, easily panic-stricken hostage Franny are soon pursued by the relentless detective Ingrid, who always gets her man, or women, at any price.On the run, the mismatched and constantly fighting pair have to dispose of the loot in the face of a Berlin underworld also determined to get its hands on them and the precious stones.As the forces of law and disorder close in, Franny develops a liking for Mel, deciding she is going to help her 'captor'. Mel is far less than enthusiastic, especially given Franny's idea of support. With no choice the odd couple soon become a perfect tag team.But when Mel then adds the good looking cop Harry to her collection of hostages and Franny immediately falls for him, the chaos becomes perfect - with a happy ending looking to be an impossibly long way off.