Not my Day

Not my Day

Cast & Crew

Directed by Peter Thorwarth


Moritz Bleibtreu, Axel Stein, Til Schweiger, Jasmin Gerat, Anna Maria Mühe, Nele Kiper, Ralf Richter


Category Feature Film

Genres Comedy, Action, Thriller

Running time 110 min.

Language German

Nationality Germany

Scriptwriters Stefan Holtz, Ralf Husmann, Peter Thorwarth

Cinematographer Jan Fehse

Produced by Westside Filmproduktion in co-production with Donar FilmDeutsche Columbia PicturesMr. Brown Entertainment

Local Release 2014 Jan 16

Production status Completed

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Till, a bank teller in his mid-30s, is living an uneventful and average life. His marriage to Miriam is happy, but in danger of getting into a rut after all these years of harmony. Suddenly, Till is torn from his routine when a bank robber storms his branch and takes Till and his car hostage. When the kidnapper takes his mask off, Till recognizes Nappo, a former con and unsuccessful loan applicant at Till’s bank.As the police set up roadblocks, Nappo decides to abandon Till in the trunk of the car and disappear with his loot. But things do not work out that way and Till and Nappo escape together. After the first shock, Till throws all caution to the wind and dives into adventure with his kidnapper…