Fack Ju Goehte 3

Fack Ju Goehte 3

Cast & Crew

Directed by Bora Dagtekin


Elyas M'Barek, Jella Haase, Sandra Hüller, Katja Riemann, Max von der Groeben


Category Feature Film

Genres Comedy, Family, Teen

Language German

Nationality Germany

Scriptwriter Bora Dagtekin"

Cinematographer Markus Nestroy

Produced by Constantin Film Produktion

Local Release 2017 Oct 26

Production status Completed

Fack Ju Goehte 3
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Fack Ju Goehte 3
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Max Frisch’s Homo Faber, curve sketching and toxic asbestos in the restrooms: It’s just another stressful year at Goethe Comprehensive School. But this time teacher Zeki Miller (Elyas M'Barek) is actually keen on whipping his students into shape to pass their A-Levels. Unfortunately, the kids in his “chaos class” – especially Chantal (Jella Haase), Danger (Max von der Groeben) and Zeynep (Gizem Emre) – are simply not having it. In fact, the guidance counselor at the Job Information Center (JIC) has just quashed any dreams they had about their future prospects. Indeed, at this point, their frustration has reached a new level, which means they’re getting into even more trouble and refusing to do anything at all. How on earth is Mr. Miller going to motivate these teens? He can’t even count on help from Principal Gudrun Gerster (Katja Riemann), who’s already at loggerheads with the Department of Education for heading up the worst-performing comprehensive school in the state – a status owed in no small part to these very “problem” students. At least Mr. Miller has fresh support from newcomer Biggi Enzberger (Sandra Hueller), who’s helping him out with an anti-bullying campaign.